Wednesday 16 June 2004

Yummy Suprises That Makes Me, MEEE....

Dunno what to do today. Really have a long tiring day. Actually, I am fasting today. Just wanna test how it feels fasting in summer... Huargh!!! Not really hungry, only tired. Maybe I get dehyrated coz lack of water intake last night. Neway... Alhamdulillah... nearly getting there now!

Finished cooking after work just now. So, now I'm 'lepak'ing, writing journal, listen to nasyeed... while waiting for iftar. Owh... Its 10 minutes more. Got to go then. Doing dua at this time is afdal and mudah dikabulkan. ;) Thats what my ustazah said.

Ok then... These are something bout me...

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