Monday 16 August 2004

Welcome The Month of Rejab

Diam tak diam, esok dah nak masuk bulan Rejab. Wah... antara 3 bulan yg penuh berkat. Rejab, Syaaban dan Ramadhan. Masa kecik2 dulu ustazah ada ajar.. Rejab tu bulan Allah, Syaaban bulan Nabi kita, Muhammad S.A.W., dan Ramadhan adalah bulan utk semua umat Islam. Dlm ketiga2 bulan ni juga, kita disunatkan utk berpuasa (kecuali Ramadhan la... Tu mmg wajib!) Besar pahalanya...

Aku juga terima byk forwarded email pasal keistimewaan bulan2 ni. Cuma, ada di antaranya tak diketahi sumbernya. Sebab ianya adalah rekaan semata. Lebih senang disebut sebagai hadis palsu. Aku tak banyak tau pasal ni. Kene rujuk yg lebih pakar. Nampaknya, byk lagi yg aku kene belaja... Nanti kalau aku tau lebih lanjut, aku bgtau korang ek!

Dan.... tak lama lagi juga raya!!!
Aku harap kali ni aku akan beraya kat rumah... dah lama tak balik. Rindu yg teramat sgt. Huhuhu....

Ni ada sebahagian hadis tentang bulan Rejab yg aku copy dan paste dari internet. Tak sempat nak edit or jelaskan lebih lanjut. So, korang baca je lah ek!

Book 006, Number 2585:
'Uthman b. Hakim al-Ansari said: I asked Sa'id b. Jubair about fasting In Rajab, and we were then passing through the month of Rajab, whereupon he said: I heard Ibn 'Abbas (Allah be pleased with both of them) as saying: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) used to observe fast (so continuously) that we (were inclined) to say that he would not break (them) and did not observe them so conti- nuously) that we (were inclined to say) that he would not observe fast. (Sahih Muslim)

Book 024, Number 5149:
Abdullah. the freed slave of Asma' (the daughter of Abu Bakr). the maternal uncle of the son of 'Ata, reported: Asma' sent me to 'Abdullah b. 'Umar saying: The news has reached me that you prohibit the use of three things: the striped robe. saddle cloth made of red silk. and the fasting in the holy month of Rajab. 'Abdullah said to me: So far as what you say about fasting in the month of Rajab, how about one who observes continuous fasting? -and so far as what you say about the striped garment, I heard Umar b. Khatab say that he had heard from Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him): He who wears silk garment has no share for him (in the Hereafter), and I am afraid it may not be that striped garment; and so far as the red saddle clotb is concerned that is the saddle cloth of Abdullah and it is red. I went back to Asma' and informed her. whereupon she said: Here is the cloak of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him). and she brought out to me that cloak made of Persian cloth with a hem of brocade, and its sleeves bordered with brocade and said: This wall Allah's Messenger's cloak with 'A'isha until she died, and when she died. I got possession of it. The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) used to wear that, and we waslied it for the sick and sought cure thereby. (Sahih Muslim)

"Ahlan wa sahlan ya Rajab...."

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