Monday 2 May 2005

Daresbury Laboratory

Dah lama nak mula blog ni. Tapi asyik tertangguh je. Byk keje dan byk juga benda yg difikirkan, membuatkan penulisan ini terhenti sebentar.

[Hmm… alasan jer tuh]

Korang apa khabar? Lama tak dengar berita.. Sama cam aku di sini ke? Busy juga ?

Tak kisah la... apapun, aku doakan korang sihat sejahtera dalam rahmat dan redha Illahi.

So... aku nak citer apa ek hari ni ? Haa... just nak khabar kat korang. Sekarang ni dah masuk 3 bulan aku dalam kos ni. Quite an interesting one. Cuma kena byk keje skit aa. Dah jadi student kan.

Minggu lepas, aku ke Daresbury Lab. There’s a one day training day bout this DL_Poly. An application that I’ll be using for my research. Yang membolehkan aku study bout the system of my compound.

I went there alone. Quite scared actually. Never have been traveling on my own in UK, not like in Malaysia. My supervisor showed me on how is the easiest way to go there. By train. Because my course will be early in the morning, I have to spend a night there. Luckily there’s hostel available.

Took about 3 ½ hour in the train. What to do? I get quite bored in the train coz I dunno what to do and who to talk to, so, I listened to the MP3. Fell asleep after that. Than at Runcorn (the train station), took a taxi to Daresbury Lab. So, there I was, in front of one of the most popular research centre in UK. Wow! I didn’t belive I’ve make it. Subhanallah…

Took the key and went to the hostel. Not like I expected. No TV, or toilet in the room. I just forgot that it’s a hostel…not a HOTEL…haha.. But its cost like a hotel, though. Never mind bout that. Its okay coz there’s washing machine downstairs though I’m sure that I wont be using it in my stay here. Just a reminder if I’m gonna be here the next time.

After washing myself [dah bau dah masa jauh kan..] I went down to ask the guard how to get to the building where the course will be and bout the restaurant. Really hungry at that time. My stomach is growling. The guard was like don’t wanna tell me where’s the building. He’s like not trusting me… Asked him several time, and why I have to find that building. 'Coz my course will start early tomorrow'. Like I said b4. But he ignored my question. He just said that he’ll show me tomorrow cos I have to take a pass before entering tomorrow. Ok, then fine for me.

Then I asked him the restaurant. He showed me. Said that it’s Block A. [the block that I keep asking him for the course tomorrow] Hmm.. So I get to the restaurant to have my dinner. Ordered pasta baked. Its vegetarian. Not much people at that time. Actually, its one or two only. Maybe coz its past working time. So I had my dinner. I dunno where to pay and asked this uncle.. But he said that if he were me, he just be gone right now. Erk! I dunno what to say. Just look at him curiously. Actually, innocently. But he said that he thinks I won't have to pay for it. Ok then. Aku pun blah ler… Just smile at him.

Then I wonder around the place. Very tranquil. There’s a river beside the building, and saw some people cycling and jogging along the river. And there’s ducks too! Wow, it's so nice.

The next day, during breakfast I chatted with another girl. She was in a 3 day course and that day was the last day. Complained bout the food…since they were there. I think it wasn’t that bad, but maybe at that time I was really starving! That’s why I have no complains bout it! Haha!

The course was great. It’s a hands on course. We do our own calculation from the example. Quite bad coz I have lil’ problem with Java. I actually installed the wrong Java. How sad. But I think I get what they wanna show us. Suprisingly, I also met a girl from Malaysia. Cool, huh! She was from Manchester. Doing her MPhil. Towards the end, I met Maurice Leslie. He showed me bout DL_Multi. Cool! A lil’ different from DMAREL, explained me all… Good man he is! However, I can’t run my structure coz I have a different configuration from what DM_Multi wants. Maurice promised me to have a look at it first. Okay for me.

Return back with train again. Huh! What a day. MasyaAllah

Ya Allah, berkatilah ilmu yg Kau berikan padaku ini. Moga aku dapat menggunakannya utk kepentingan agamaMu ini. Aminn…

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