Tuesday 17 May 2005

Sharing Chemy Thoughts

Berbual dgn x-kosmet aku dulu. Seronok dgr berita dia di sana. Yela.. hanya org kimia yg faham org kimia. Bukan senang aku nak borak pasal kimia dgn org2 di sini. Kebanyakan kawan2 aku di sini xde yg buat kimia. So, mmg susah skit nak cerita pasal prob or susah senang bergelumang dgn kimia ni. Bila dah cerita, lega rasa terbuku kat hati.

Dengar khabar dari diorg juga membuatkan aku lebih bersemangat utk meneruskan perjuangan kimia aku nih...

Aku bukan xnak citer dgn kengkawan aku kat sini. Cumanya, sian kat diorg…sbb diorg pun xpaham. Jadi, dari diorg nak memahami, pening pulak kepala diorg. Hehe..

Takpe la… Kalau xde org nak cerita pun, Allah ada kan…
Yang senantiasa bersama di mana saja aku berada,
Memerhati dan memahami,
Menentukan segalanya..

Hanya padaMu aku mengadu,
Bantulah hambaMu yg kerdil ini…
Permudahkanlah urusanku...

# Song of the day #

Artist: Mpulz
Song: The Journey

I know that you're searching for answers,
Afraid that you'll be left behind,
But you can't rush time,
Got to wait in line,
In time the answers you'll find

You'll get your wings at the right time,
Even birds must learn how to fly,
You gotta move on from whats breaking you heart,
Don't let you life pass you by.

I know that you're scared of failing,
But you can't succeed if you dont try,
To see what I do,I believe in you,
And soon your wings will take flight.


Sunshine always follows the rain,
Happiness always follows the pain,
Let's never look back and learn from the past,
Heart and soul is all you need,
all you need.

(Chorus x2)

Taking the journey,
Enjoying the ride,
Be true to yourself,
Let your heart be your guide.

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