Monday 30 October 2006

What I Love Most about Autumn

Yes, its that time of year again... A.U.T.U.M.N... autumn! I really loves it. A lot of memories and sweet things you can see in this time. Also, I usually took most photos at this time of year. Well.. really anxious bout it. So.. here are list of why I loves autumn.

What I love most about autumn...

I loves...
The scenery of trees slowly changing colour from green to yellow...
And then to red and brown...
Falling leaves drops on me while the wind blows...

I loves...
The crispy sounds as I walk and steps on the fallen leaves...
To walk along the road with yellow trees just beatifully aligned on its both sides...
With mixture of green, yellow, red and brown colour...

I loves...
A single maple leaf fells on the still rain water and making a ripple effect on it...
And to know that everything happends, all the changes an beautiful scenery,
Are only from and within His power and will,
To show that we are only His creation and who knows when we'll return and see Him again in the after life.

Oo Allah, guide me to the right path..

Do you not see that GOD sends down from the sky water, then places it into underground wells, then produces with it plants of various colors, then they grow until they turn yellow, then He turns them into hay? This should be a reminder for those who possess intelligence. Quran[39:21]

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