Monday 19 November 2007

Dawud Wharnsby Ali & Idris Philips Mini Concert

Went to a mini concert by Bro. Dawud Wharnsby Ali and Idris Philips.
Very beautiful, masyaAllah.

During the concert, Bro. Dawud mentioned how music can be a tool for us to gather together in rememberance of Allah. He gave an analogy of how we build a house using hammer and nails, and other things.. and then we keep it safely after building the house. So, it means that we can use music as a tool but not only just depend on it. And also, after complete building the house, we shoud keep all the tools and not leave it everywhere.

Bro. Dawud love to write songs because he feels that is the way he express himself out of his thoughts and shared with other people. He is very talented, masyaAllah. Most of his early songs are taken from the stories from Quran, hadith, and Islamic values. Nowadays, his musics are more universal, that I sometimes hard to understand. But its okay. Maybe it is more focus to all types people and religions. Hehe..

Anyway, I took some pictures, and this is the song I love most:

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