Friday 11 July 2008

My Lil' Sis in the Uni NOW!

Alhamdulillah, she went to the same uni as me before. Actually she got three different uni offers. But then she CHOSE the one she is in now. I remember telling her to CHOOSE wisely. Don't choose it because of other people. Choose it because you REALLY want to.

Life in the uni... I can still remember. Its so FREE. No one will tell you what to do anymore. Not like in school years, when you have been arranged time to study, play, eat, and even time to sleep! But now... you are not that lil' girl anymore.

First step is to be responsible of all your act. Yes... You may do right and wrong things.. [that why we are called human!] But, in the end... BE RESPONSIBLE of all your act. Its the first step to build your personality and discover who you are, and what you are capable of.

Choose good friends that can help you, even share your happiness and difficulties. TRUST and BELIVING in each other is a foundation of a great friendship.

Discover everything..
Play Hard, Study Hard - they said...
BUT REMEMBER! Pray Hard too! - Remember Allah, surely, He will remember you!

I'm really HAPPY for her. May Allah GUIDE her at all times.
Love ya, sis!


  1. Salam..

    adek has dapat kos aper?

  2. owh.. fizik kesihatan, kat UTM

  3. lagi sorang bakal doc. la yer :)

  4. insyaAllah, ameen. :D
