Tuesday 6 June 2006

My Dream Job?

Have been reading this after signing out my hotmail email just now. Kinda interesting, I thought. However, none of those are suitable for me [huhu], except for vacation tour director. I didn't know that you'll get that much!!! [$_$] hehe... per week.

Haha... when I get the chance, maybe I'll go for that. Moreover, I love travelling. Especially backpacking. Erm.. gonna contribute for Malaysian Tourism, insyaAllah [ngehngeh]. But for good one la.. No alcohol and perverted social thingy..
I can't believe that being a fahion doll designer could be that rich! Hohoho... Just put effort on designing little tiny clothes, you'll get thousands per week?

Ice cream creator? - Don't think so. Everything is edible to me. As long as it is halal [of course!]. Not very good in tasting. I'm not a very good food commentator... [don't know what the exact term in english!]

Overall, all of the jobs requires management, planning and marketing skills. So, you know what the future and best money making jobs are. Most of them focused on those kind of skills. Eventhough u r gonna be a lecturer. Must know how to promote and market urself and ur product. So, I might be aiming to improve on these qualities since I'm really a shy person [hehe..]

Okay, thats all for today. Adios!

1 comment:

  1. Gambatte! I know bright future is waiting for you. Guess now it's the time for us to contribute something good to the community..coz we've been blessed with all the opportunities and goodness.
