Friday 9 June 2006

Nobel Prize Winner

We have a talk today from a Nobel Prize Winner - Prof. Robert Huber ForMemFRS of theMax-Planck Institut for Biochemie. It's my first time listening to a Nobel Prize Winner talk as in live!. Before this, I only watch a documentary of the first muslim of this award. Prof. Robert Huber received his award in 1988. That's nearly 20 years ago! He was awarded for discovering a structural basis of light energy and electron transfer in biology. I thought he's gonna gives this lecture. Instead, he gave a more brief lecture of Proteins and their structures, innovations for science and medicine. It’s quite a general one since some of the audience are not from Chemistry Dept.

I was quite restless during the lecture since it was getting warmer. The lecture theatre ventilation during the summer was not very good. There’s not even a window for fresh air. However, I managed to grab some of the things he presented. Of how to tackle the industrial interest in gaining fundings. Quite a valuable one. Others are general, but new to me.

Hm…will I be like him someday? I really hope so. Even though not for the award, but its for the human benefits.

Yosh! Ganbatte!!!!

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