Monday 28 August 2006

Friendship Memories

Elsa and Angela in front of our flat (Dec 2003)

People changes so fast. Or, is it me who walks slowly in this fast moving world?

My ex-flatemate, Elsa is getting married this Monday (4th Sept), and its her birthday too!!. She is from Taiwan and he is from Japan. Wow! Two countries together. Hehe.. How sweet~*

Omeidatougozaimasu to her!!!

And because of this, we try to contact all the other x-flatmates. They are all so happy for her. But we couldn’t contact one of our x-flatmate. She is from Thailand. Doing a PhD here, in Cardiff. It have been a long time since met her. If I’m not mistaken, somewhere last year. And then we lost contact till now.

We three chat together and think that she wasn’t in Cardiff now. Angela said that she might be in Thailand finishing her final year. Maybe that’s why she couldn’t be contacted. And we shared more past and recent news between each other. Owh.. and the sweet memories feels so fresh to me…

Elsa’s marriage will be taken part somewhere in May or October in Japan and December in Taipei next year. Wow! I wish I could come and see them. I’ve been wishing to go to Japan someday.

I’ve been thinking to go there for conference or something. My professor have quite a research connection with Japan too. So, I’ve got to work hard to go to some of the conference in Japan next year! InsyaAllah!

Ganbatte, ne!

1 comment:

  1. As salaamu 'alaikum dear,

    All the best wishes for you. May Allah grant your wishes to go to Japan. Whole lots of new experience waiting for you and Insya Allah for the sake of the community.

    Congrats to your friend. Tell her that I wish her the very best for her wedding. May God bless her and family with happiness, love and prosperity.

    Till then friend. Take care. Ganbatte!

    P/S: Been while enough off blogging. Even forgot my username and password.

    Sharifah Norashikin
