Saturday 5 August 2006

Interesting Journey

Today I ordered a DVD burner online from PC World. The delivery cost at £4.99. Not that expensive, but because its just 3.5 miles from my school, I decided to take it from the store.

I don't really know where it is, so I tried google for the map. Looks quite easy. Just along Newport Road.

Hm.. I said to mysef, 'Won't be that far.. Only bout 7 minutes by car'

So I went cycling... For me, who is not really good with maps, I just give it a try. At first it seems okay.. I went passed the University's registrar, Engineering school, my NHS clinic.. and then, I have to take a small road: Broadway, its called. Hehe.. Sounds like Broadway in Holywood.. But, neah.. Not really.. Its a small town which have several groceries shops and restaurant. Just like in Albany or City Road, but here is less interesting [Haha!]..

Wow! This is really becoming more interesting and adventurous. Cycling into the unknown [Haha!] So then I came to the other part of Newport Road. It was quite busy [it was withing peak hours, what do u expect!]. I don't know that Newport Road could be this long... I mean, REALLY long!

As I expected, the store is situated in nearby the big post office, which I only went once in a while, and by bus! Only this time I cycled. After asking people where is the store, I've finally arrived there.

Su~gei!!! ('Awesome' in Japanese)
Such a big store! I walk around before taking my reserved item. There are lots of offer going on! A DVD-R 25 pieces is just £2.95! It's really cheap! I also need a new mouse (in UK its called mice) cuz my old one starting failing. [Huhu..]

Paid for all my stuffs and it's time to go home. Going back is much more easier.. [Lalala...]

So that is my story for today. Thank you. [smile and bowing]

[Background : hands clapping]

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