Wednesday 13 June 2007

12 Steps to Total Relaxation

Aku sgt malas these days. So xde idea nak tulis apa2. Just something for me to remember...

Takde apa sangat.. Tapi ni rumusan dari apa yg dia berikan. Dan aku bagi sikit komen yg tak seberapa. [hehe]:

  1. Have regular massages

  2. Turn off your mobile phone

  3. Listen to classical music - Quran pun boleh aa kot. hehe...

  4. Read a good book - Yer betul2.. otak juga perlukan makanan

  5. Take up Yoga

  6. Have a cuppa

  7. Start eating right - makan sihat

  8. Start working out - Betul!! kena keluar peluh selalu

  9. Take a breath

  10. Go box - Boxing??

  11. Find nature - I like this!!

  12. Get a pet - or a plant. And talk to them

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