Thursday 21 June 2007

Nothing Doesn't Exist!

Last night was fun, subhanallah..
We went to a Portugese restaurant and eat to our fullest! The food there was great! Alhamdulillah..

Ok, but thats not what I wanna talk bout.

This morning after logging out my yahoo email, I found this really motivating news. Bout microsculpture. As tiny as a grain of sand. MasyaAllah...
Wanna see the video? Here...

His name is Willard Wigan.

I'm so amazed by his passion about making this tiny sculpture. And its actually worth $300,000. So tiny, but so expensive! He also mentioned that because the sculpture was so micro, there was a time that he even inhaled his work and have to redo it again. Huhu..

What make me think is don't judge a person on his academic capibility. He said he was onced looked down by his teachers cuz he cant read and write. And he feels that he want to find something he can express himself. So, this proves, that it doesnt matter who you are, you have the hiddent talent in you. Its just a matter of finding what is it.

And one phrase that I'm just so moved by this short interview is when he says that:

"Nothing doesn't exist..."

You are worth something. And only you can define that by BEING what you wanna BE!

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