Thursday 14 December 2006

Do it, With Faith!

Sometimes we just say in ourself that we need Him, we need Him.


Do we actually bow down and pray for Him?
Asking what we really want in life?
With full hearted?
Doing all you can for it?

May Allah be always in OUR heart.

Love you much!

Friday 1 December 2006

View from space

Pernah tak korang baca forwarded email pasal Cat's Eye Nebula dan ayat dlm al-Quran pasal hari kiamat? Hari ni, lepas logout hotmail, ternampak webpage ni... MasyaAllah kagum betul.. Yela.. aku dulu ada gak cita2 nak jadi astronomer.. alih2 jadi chemist.. saintist gak tu kan [hehe].

Webpage pasal gambar2 yg diambil dgn Hubble Space Telescope - ala.. telescope yg besar dan very sophisticated tu.. Pastu aku dgn kagumnya melihat semua gambar2 yg ada.

Satu.. demi satu.. Aku selak (click)

Sehingga aku nampak gambar yg bawah ni. Teringat aku dgn forwarded email yg aku terangkan sebelum ni. MasyaAllah!! Ia terjadi sebab bintang tu pecah atau berevolusi. Begitu juga digambarkan oleh ALlah tentang bumi ni.. Allah dah kata dlm al-Quran.. hari kiamat berlaku cammana.. Then, Allah tambahkan lagi kengerian pasal apa yg akan berlaku dgn cth2 bintang2 lain pecah berkecai yg kini dpt kita lihat (dgn ilmu yg Allah bagi dan dgn kemajuan pengetahuan sains masa kini). Kesaksian ini dinamakan ainul yaqin, seperti yg Allah tunjukkan pada nabi Ibrahim dahulu, masa dia nak tengok camna Allah hidupkan semula beribu2 manusia selepas mati...

Pada nabi Ibrahim a.s, bukti itu menambahkan lagi keyakinan dan kekaguman baginda pada ketuhanan dan kekuasaan Allah..

Pada kita pula.. Camna? Bertambahkah? Kalau ya, apa buktinya? Masih lagi bermalas2 utk gi solat? Mengaji al-Quran? Kuliah agama? Gi usrah?

Study pulak camna? Kerana Allah ke... atau sebab nak nama dan pangkat? Atau.. saje je.. nak isi masa lapang? (Sebab kerajaan dah bagi peluang gi oversea free! Mak ayah yg suruh?) Atau apa? Hanya kita sendiri yg boleh menjawabnya.

Tiada yg abadi di dunia ni, beb.. Everything have a price to pay.. and Syurga? Priceless!!! Lagi mahal dari kristal yg aku tengah sintesis ni (kristal cikai jer)... mahupun Diamond Habib Jewels tu!!! Tiada tandingannya... Wa cakap sama lu!!!

Kalau camtu camna ek?? [Hmmm...]

Ha... jom aa kita start betulkan niat kita sekarang.. begitu juga dgn ibadah kita.. serta tambahkan ilmu supaya kita lebih yakin dgn agama yg kita anuti ini dan Tuhan yg kita sembah - Allah swt. Selagi nyawa dikandung badan.. masih belum terlambat utk semua ini.

Okeh, ganbatte!!! Never Give Up No Matter How Hopeless!!! Believe in Allah!!!

Maka apabila langit telah terbelah dan menjadi mawar merah seperti (kilapan) minyak. Maka nikmat Tuhan kamu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan? (Ar-Rahman: 37-38)
Pada hari ketika langit menjadi seperti tembaga cair. Dan gunung-ganang menjadi seperti bulu (yg bertebangan). Dan tidak ada seorang teman akrab pun menanyakan temannya (Al-Ma'arij: 8-10)

Monday 30 October 2006

What I Love Most about Autumn

Yes, its that time of year again... A.U.T.U.M.N... autumn! I really loves it. A lot of memories and sweet things you can see in this time. Also, I usually took most photos at this time of year. Well.. really anxious bout it. So.. here are list of why I loves autumn.

What I love most about autumn...

I loves...
The scenery of trees slowly changing colour from green to yellow...
And then to red and brown...
Falling leaves drops on me while the wind blows...

I loves...
The crispy sounds as I walk and steps on the fallen leaves...
To walk along the road with yellow trees just beatifully aligned on its both sides...
With mixture of green, yellow, red and brown colour...

I loves...
A single maple leaf fells on the still rain water and making a ripple effect on it...
And to know that everything happends, all the changes an beautiful scenery,
Are only from and within His power and will,
To show that we are only His creation and who knows when we'll return and see Him again in the after life.

Oo Allah, guide me to the right path..

Do you not see that GOD sends down from the sky water, then places it into underground wells, then produces with it plants of various colors, then they grow until they turn yellow, then He turns them into hay? This should be a reminder for those who possess intelligence. Quran[39:21]

TV Malaysia

Hujung minggu ni banyak sungguh kawan2 buat rumah terbuka. Jadi kami mengambil peluang ni utk bertemu dgn semua rakyat Cardiff, terutama yang tak kenal, utk beramah mesra dan merapatkan ukhwah, di samping menjamu selera dgn hidangan Malaysia. [Bila lagi mau makan makanan Malaysia. Hehe..]

Penat berhari raya aku try surf internet. Dan, tetiba terasa nak tengok TV Mesia. Tau dah, yang maybe tak dpt, sebab dah pukul 2/3 pagi. Luckily, dapat pula siaran. Aku tengok TV3 ada drama melayu. Pasal hari raya. Wah, best nih.. bisik hati aku.

Ceritanya pasal seorang mamat ni yg kahwin dgn omputih, pastu isteri wat hal - gi party, minum arak, merokok, kiranya.. pendek cerita, sangat sosial aa... Then mamat tu cerai aa dgn dia, jaga anak mereka dan kawin lagi. Kira lepas 15 thn, yang x-wife ni dtg balik utk tengok anak dia. Tapi anak dia tak suka, sbb kecik hati mak dia tinggal bodo je dulu2. Smpai at one point yg akhirnya si anak pun terima mak dia semula - Happy Ending. Okay.. Tanpa disedari, mak dia sebenarnya dah nak meninggal dah, sebab sakit (kot). Maka dgn kebetulan dan dirangcang pengarah, meninggal di hari raya dlm pelukan anaknya, dgn gembiranya. - Sad Ending.

Anywhoo.. bukan tu yg aku nak stresskan. Part yg interestingnya ialah bila si suami dah kawin lain, kira dia lebih banyak sembahyang sama, sekeluarga, dan nampak soleh aa.. Pastu, time depa nak masak, si anak bongsu, cakap aa yg mak Jah (org gaji) masa masak, tak rasa panas ke? Dan dia sambung, owh, takdela.. Api neraka lagi panas. And diorg juga ada borak2 pasal takleh tinggal semayang, nanti berdosa, masuk api neraka... Seronok aa bila tengok scene mcmtu dimasukkan dlm drama.

However, ironically, bila time anak dia nak gi party harijadi kawan dia (ni anak yang sulung pula la...) dibenarkan pulak. Malah dipuji pakaian yang dipakai cantik, walaupun aku rasa cam seksi je. Macammana dlm rumah yg dididik dgn perihal solat jemaah, bersopan santun, jangan buat itu dan ini sebab berdosa... tapi klu nak gi party, boleh pula.. Ajar jadi baik, tapi klu nak buat benda yg tak soleh, ok je... Cam ada sorg ustaz ni tulis dlm artikel dia 'Trend menghapuskan Dosa'. Kira bleh buat jahat/tak soleh, tapi nnt cover aa dgn ibadah kita... Boleh ke camtu?

Aku rasa.. macammana la pemikiran anak muda tak keliru camni.. Tiada beza antara yg hak dan yg batil... Tu yg ada gi semayang, tapi main no. ekor, gi disco, dangdut, etc..

Hai.. pening.. pening...

Okayla.. Selamat Rayer semua.. Pandai2 la korang tapis hiburan kita hari ni.

Sunday 22 October 2006


Hey, I'm 25!!! MasyaAllah, already in my Silver Jublee years... Have to do more muhasabah and think about what I've done for my family, friends, and mostly... for Allah and His Religion.

Thank you my dear friends for your lovely birthday cards and Eid cards.. And most especially for your continuous support and advices.
May Allah loves you more!!!

Tuesday 19 September 2006

Gillmore Girls Returns

Yeay! Gilmore Girls will start airing this 26th Sept! Can't wait to see what's next.
Care for some synopsis?
This drama make me missed my mom more! Huhu...

Sunday 17 September 2006

Self Talk

I will...
I am capable...
I can and will survive...

I want to...
I choose to...
Face your FEAR...

Friday 8 September 2006

Dunia Punya Cerita

Are you crazy??!!!!

Sudan man forced to 'marry' goat

Baka! Baka! Baka!


Breaking News!!!
Baru tahu lepas lunch tadik.
Sila baca sini
Tapi sekarang ni nampak dah ok je... [1.30 pm]

Streets sealed as gang raid van [4.38 pm]

Monday 28 August 2006

Friendship Memories

Elsa and Angela in front of our flat (Dec 2003)

People changes so fast. Or, is it me who walks slowly in this fast moving world?

My ex-flatemate, Elsa is getting married this Monday (4th Sept), and its her birthday too!!. She is from Taiwan and he is from Japan. Wow! Two countries together. Hehe.. How sweet~*

Omeidatougozaimasu to her!!!

And because of this, we try to contact all the other x-flatmates. They are all so happy for her. But we couldn’t contact one of our x-flatmate. She is from Thailand. Doing a PhD here, in Cardiff. It have been a long time since met her. If I’m not mistaken, somewhere last year. And then we lost contact till now.

We three chat together and think that she wasn’t in Cardiff now. Angela said that she might be in Thailand finishing her final year. Maybe that’s why she couldn’t be contacted. And we shared more past and recent news between each other. Owh.. and the sweet memories feels so fresh to me…

Elsa’s marriage will be taken part somewhere in May or October in Japan and December in Taipei next year. Wow! I wish I could come and see them. I’ve been wishing to go to Japan someday.

I’ve been thinking to go there for conference or something. My professor have quite a research connection with Japan too. So, I’ve got to work hard to go to some of the conference in Japan next year! InsyaAllah!

Ganbatte, ne!

Saturday 5 August 2006

Interesting Journey

Today I ordered a DVD burner online from PC World. The delivery cost at £4.99. Not that expensive, but because its just 3.5 miles from my school, I decided to take it from the store.

I don't really know where it is, so I tried google for the map. Looks quite easy. Just along Newport Road.

Hm.. I said to mysef, 'Won't be that far.. Only bout 7 minutes by car'

So I went cycling... For me, who is not really good with maps, I just give it a try. At first it seems okay.. I went passed the University's registrar, Engineering school, my NHS clinic.. and then, I have to take a small road: Broadway, its called. Hehe.. Sounds like Broadway in Holywood.. But, neah.. Not really.. Its a small town which have several groceries shops and restaurant. Just like in Albany or City Road, but here is less interesting [Haha!]..

Wow! This is really becoming more interesting and adventurous. Cycling into the unknown [Haha!] So then I came to the other part of Newport Road. It was quite busy [it was withing peak hours, what do u expect!]. I don't know that Newport Road could be this long... I mean, REALLY long!

As I expected, the store is situated in nearby the big post office, which I only went once in a while, and by bus! Only this time I cycled. After asking people where is the store, I've finally arrived there.

Su~gei!!! ('Awesome' in Japanese)
Such a big store! I walk around before taking my reserved item. There are lots of offer going on! A DVD-R 25 pieces is just £2.95! It's really cheap! I also need a new mouse (in UK its called mice) cuz my old one starting failing. [Huhu..]

Paid for all my stuffs and it's time to go home. Going back is much more easier.. [Lalala...]

So that is my story for today. Thank you. [smile and bowing]

[Background : hands clapping]

Sunday 2 July 2006

Sunday Edition - My Memory Lane

I came to school today eventhough it's Sunday. Coz actually I promised myself to come yesterday, but I didn’t.. Huhu.. big liar to myself!

I planned to do some reading today, but ended up calling my friends in Malaysia. [erk!]What a relief! Just hearing their voices make me wanna cry! Really missed them a lot!

We chatted for a while and gossiping bout what others are doing nowadays. This year it seems that most of my friends are either getting babies or pregnant! Cool, huh! [glimmering smile] It’s just I can’t celebrate with them…

Hearing all the news makes my heart flattened… Really happy for them. Suhaila had their son’s aqiqah yesterday. She’s still tidying the house today… And Riza is now working with a book company. Staying in her company’s hostel. She seems contented.

I wanna call the others, but it seems that it is getting late and most of them are married. Huhu… it's not appropriate ain’t it?

I also make some new friends today. They are the DJ’s in the Radio It’s an internet radio generated from people from Malaysia and Singapore. Wow! I’m really amazed with their dedication. MasyaAllah. Moga Allah membalas jasa baik mereka. Anyone who would like to listen to it could just simply go to MediaMuslim or LuahanRasa. You can also make song request and dedication. MasyaAllah, just like the Only that this is a voluntarily group. So… Congrats and Ganbatte for them all!!!

Okies…continue with my studies…

Janganlah rasa malas lagi, Bersama memegang Teraju!!!

Friday 16 June 2006


Dear friends,

I'll be away for this weekend and a few days next week. Just wanna have a short break from work. And I'll be attending the DID course! Can't wait. It've been a long time since I attended proper Majlis Ilmu. Yippe!!!

Will report on what happened later...


Monday 12 June 2006

Be Strong Dear Me

Sometimes it’s kinda hard to accept things you don't like.
I am really not sure whether I’m doing it right or wrong.
My mind right now it just confused.
My heart is so painful.
I felt so down inside.
Don’t know what to do.
Please, help me, Allah…
I seek for your forgiveness.


This is a song from One Litre of Tears. It touches my heart.

Only Human
Lyrics: Osanai Mai Translation: Jonathan Wu

On the opposite coast of sadness
is something called a smile

On the opposite coast of sadness
is something called a smile
But before we can go there,
is there something we’re waiting for?

In order to chase our dreams, we can’t have a reason to run away
We’ve got to go, to that far away summer’s day

If we find it tomorrow, we can’t sigh
Because like a boat that opposes the stream
we have to walk straight on

In a place worn down by sadness
something called a miracle, is waiting
Yet we are still searching
for the sunflower that grows at the end of spring

The warrior who awaits the morning light
before he can clasp it with red nails, his tears glitter and fall

Even if we’ve grown used to loneliness
only relying on the light of the moon
We have to fly away with featherless wing
just go foward, just a little further

As the rainclouds break
the wet streets sparkling
Although it brings only darkness
A powerful, powerful light
helps push us to walk on

Friday 9 June 2006

Nobel Prize Winner

We have a talk today from a Nobel Prize Winner - Prof. Robert Huber ForMemFRS of theMax-Planck Institut for Biochemie. It's my first time listening to a Nobel Prize Winner talk as in live!. Before this, I only watch a documentary of the first muslim of this award. Prof. Robert Huber received his award in 1988. That's nearly 20 years ago! He was awarded for discovering a structural basis of light energy and electron transfer in biology. I thought he's gonna gives this lecture. Instead, he gave a more brief lecture of Proteins and their structures, innovations for science and medicine. It’s quite a general one since some of the audience are not from Chemistry Dept.

I was quite restless during the lecture since it was getting warmer. The lecture theatre ventilation during the summer was not very good. There’s not even a window for fresh air. However, I managed to grab some of the things he presented. Of how to tackle the industrial interest in gaining fundings. Quite a valuable one. Others are general, but new to me.

Hm…will I be like him someday? I really hope so. Even though not for the award, but its for the human benefits.

Yosh! Ganbatte!!!!

Tuesday 6 June 2006

My Dream Job?

Have been reading this after signing out my hotmail email just now. Kinda interesting, I thought. However, none of those are suitable for me [huhu], except for vacation tour director. I didn't know that you'll get that much!!! [$_$] hehe... per week.

Haha... when I get the chance, maybe I'll go for that. Moreover, I love travelling. Especially backpacking. Erm.. gonna contribute for Malaysian Tourism, insyaAllah [ngehngeh]. But for good one la.. No alcohol and perverted social thingy..
I can't believe that being a fahion doll designer could be that rich! Hohoho... Just put effort on designing little tiny clothes, you'll get thousands per week?

Ice cream creator? - Don't think so. Everything is edible to me. As long as it is halal [of course!]. Not very good in tasting. I'm not a very good food commentator... [don't know what the exact term in english!]

Overall, all of the jobs requires management, planning and marketing skills. So, you know what the future and best money making jobs are. Most of them focused on those kind of skills. Eventhough u r gonna be a lecturer. Must know how to promote and market urself and ur product. So, I might be aiming to improve on these qualities since I'm really a shy person [hehe..]

Okay, thats all for today. Adios!

Tuesday 25 April 2006

FULL HOUSE marathon

Wah…dah berabuk nampaknya blog aku nih… Uhuk! Uhuk!! [batuk]
Habuk tebal seinci!... Bukan apa… Ada la masa ups and down, yg rasa cam nak tulis, tapi cam malas sesangat nak menaip. Huhu..

Hujung minggu lepas aku tengok cerita FULL HOUSE. Yerpp.. cerita Korea tu.. Aku tau, korg mesti gelak punyer… Citer dah lama.. Tapi ni baru first time aku tengok. Ok la jugak. Aku tengok melalui youtube jer.. Tak jumpa CDnya..
Maka…bermarathon la menonton cerita tu.. [Adeh.. Laghanyer!!!]

Komen aku…
Ok la ceritanyer.. utk menghiburkan hati & kelakar gak.. Tapi cam tak logik jer.. Main kejar2… Kejap gaduh, kejap baik. Sampai aku pun naik penat. Tapi seronok la.. Ada la sedikit nilai kekeluargaan. Kesimpulannya, hargailah apa yg anda ada, sbb mungkin akan dtg, Allah akan tarik balik segala nikmat tuh… (cthnya, ibu, bapa, nenek dan isteri yg baik)

Hrmm… Kemudian aku jumpa lagu ni.. One of the theme song in this series.. Ada org tulis sarikatanya dlm Bahasa Malaysia.

I Think I Love You (With Malay Subtitles)

p/s: Credit to a dear friend.. Pasal dia, aku tergerak nak tengok cerita nih.. Heheh… Kamu dah abis tengok DVD tu? [smile]

Tuesday 10 January 2006

Salam Aidil Adha

Esok raya. Mlm ni kami makan di rumah najah. Makan laksa. Pergh!! Sedap sekali, dong.

Raya ni tak ke mana nampaknya. Lepas sembahyang raya aku cadang terus ke office. Masih melambak keje kena siapkan. Petang pula akan ada workshop.

Oh, ya.. Aku lupa telefon umah utk ucap Selamat Hari Raya. Esok jugalah...
Apa ya, yang mak masak di rumah? Hati aku berkira2...
Mesti ada rendang, nasi impit [dah lama tak masak ketupat] dan sambal kacang. Erm...yg lain tak wajib sgt kalau raya.

So..kepada kengkawan yg jauh mahupun yg dekat, or sesiapa sahaja yg baca blog ni, terimalah...