Monday, 19 November 2007

Dawud Wharnsby Ali & Idris Philips Mini Concert

Went to a mini concert by Bro. Dawud Wharnsby Ali and Idris Philips.
Very beautiful, masyaAllah.

During the concert, Bro. Dawud mentioned how music can be a tool for us to gather together in rememberance of Allah. He gave an analogy of how we build a house using hammer and nails, and other things.. and then we keep it safely after building the house. So, it means that we can use music as a tool but not only just depend on it. And also, after complete building the house, we shoud keep all the tools and not leave it everywhere.

Bro. Dawud love to write songs because he feels that is the way he express himself out of his thoughts and shared with other people. He is very talented, masyaAllah. Most of his early songs are taken from the stories from Quran, hadith, and Islamic values. Nowadays, his musics are more universal, that I sometimes hard to understand. But its okay. Maybe it is more focus to all types people and religions. Hehe..

Anyway, I took some pictures, and this is the song I love most:

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Autumn in My Heart

Hehe.. I LOVE autumn!

Its so golden bright!

Indahnya ciptaan Allah ini. Might be that this is the final autumn for me in this study time. InsyaAllah.. dah nak balik! yeah! Ganbatte, dear me!

Belakang Student Union

Daun-daun yg berguguran

Semoga setiap langkah diredhaiNya....

Thursday, 1 November 2007

~~ @ ~~
Entahlah.. kekadang rasa jelas dgn apa yg apa yg sedang aku lakukan. Kekadang terus blur. Gelap. Lampu mentol terbakar. -- My brain is having a short circuit! Hohoho...

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Bersyukur dgn apa yg ada

Draw Customized Symbols -

Bersyukur dgn apa yg ada,
Mana tahu, Allah ambil balik esok lusa...
Peruntukkan waktu menyembahNya,
Mungkin ini kali terakhir kita diberi peluang olehNya...
Selami hati, bersihkan diri...
Kerana akhirat itu pasti!

Friday, 19 October 2007

My back ache become worst each day. Can't sit for a long time. Like half of me is going paralyse.

Astaghfirullah.. Please help me, Allah.

Saturday, 13 October 2007

Abah kata "...Tak meriah raya tanpa Mariah...."

InsyaAllah... Tahun depan Kak Yong balik. Doakan Kak Yong abis cepat.

Friday, 12 October 2007

It's Confirmed! Tomorrow's EID!!!

Powered by

Yeah, it already confirmed. Tomorrow's Eid! MasyaAllah.. How fast time goes. From the month of tarbiyyah.. and now.. its the time to celebrate our success! And also to keep ourselves together and maintain the routine from school of Ramadhan (madrasah Ramadhan).

May Allah accept our good deeds from Ramadhan and forgive our sins. And finally, may Allah give us the strengh to keep on moving for the rest of the year with His blessings. Verily, He is the Most Gracious, and Most Merciful.


Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Am going to buy Al-Furqan iPod.. How about you?

The wait is over.......
The future of the Digital Quran has Arrived! presents the most advanced and feature packed Digital Quran ever produced
The Alfurqan iPod Video

This small and sleek device contains:
Complete 20hrs of Recitation of the Quran
55 Islamic Book Collections
Electronic Azaan Clock
2.0 Mega Pixel Digital Camera
Digital Video Camera
MP4 Video Player
MP3 Audio Player
Voice Recorder
FM Radio and more.

All this for a limited period price of only £99.99 / US$110
RRP. £120 / US$199

But that's not all, as a Special Ramadhan offer we are bundling 10 full length DVDs absolutely FREE for you to to watch on your Alfurqan ipod Video! The bundle contains fIlms by Harun Yahya, Zakir Naik and Ahmed Deedat plus the best selling animated film: Habil & Qabil! That's over £60 worth of films for Free!

To order your own Alfurqan ipod Video now visit or

Alfurqan Ipod Video
The future of the Digital Quran is Now!

Friday, 5 October 2007

Keharusan Bersabar, Bertasbih & Bersolat Malam

"Dan bersabarlah dalam menunggu ketetapan Tuhanmu, maka sesungguhnya kamu berada dalam penglihatan Kami, dan bertasbihlah dengan memuji Tuhanmu ketika kamu bangun berdiri*; dan bertasbihlah kepadaNya pada beberapa saat di malam hari dan di waktu terbenam bintang-bintang (di waktu fajar)."
Al-Quran [Al-Tur : 48-49]
Wah.. indahnya ayat2 Allah ni..
Allah sentiasa tahu apa yg hamba2Nya perlukan dlm hidup. Tapi kita yg selalu lupa pdNya. Tak sedar yg Dia melihat segala perbuatan kita. Setiap detik ketika. Sesungguhnya pujian kpd Allah itu tidak ternilai berbanding nikmat yg Allah berikan kpd kita.
Oh Allah, I love you SO MUCH! Terima kasih Ya Allah atas SEGALA nikmat yg Engkau kurniakan padaku.
* Maksudnya: hendaklah bertasbih ketika kamu bangun dari tidur atau bangun meninggalkan majlis, atau ketika berdiri untuk solat.

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Lagi Sepuluh Hari...









Kata Sheikh Abu Hassan bahawa mula dia baligh, dia sentiasa dapat menghidupkan lailatul qadar pada malam yang tepat mengikut petua diatas.

Berdasar petua di atas, insyaallah malam qadar jatuh pada malam ke 29 ramadhan bersamaan dengan malam selepas siang 2 hb November 2005.
Walau bagaimanapun, janganlah ibadat pada malam ini sahaja, carilah malam qadar pada malam-malam ganjil yang lain juga!!!!

Tanda malam Qadar ialah :

1) Malam itu tenang, tidak dingin dan tidak panas;
2) Siangnya cahaya matahari warnanya pucat;
3) Pada malam itu malaikat Jibril akan menyalami orang yang beribadat pada malam itu dan tandanya ialah kita tiba-tiba rasa sangat sayu dan kemudiannya menangis teresak-esak secara tiba-tiba.


p/s: Pertemukan aku dgnNya. Ameen.

Madrasah Ramadhan

Madrasah Ramadhan...
Hiasinya dgn ibadah kpdNya
Tanpa jemu, tanpa henti.
Kerana ganjaraNya berlipat ganda...

Ya Allah,
Pertemukanku dgn malam seribu bulan.

Andai Ku Tahu - Un...

Technorati Profile

Friday, 28 September 2007

iPhone... Prada LG... Hmm..

Wah.. aku saje je browse internet pasal dua phone baru ni. Rasa cam cool gilerz...
Satu from Korea, dan satu lagi from US. Risik2, nampaknya Prada lagi mahal dari iPhone.
Tapi memory takla byk sgt. iPhone boleh sampai 8GB. Baca comparison kat sini...

Wow!! Hebat!!
Cuma aku minat Prada sebab dia boleh wat mcm Organizer yg best! Boleh baca word, powerpoint, txt, pdf... Cool! iPhone aku tak tahu lagi.. tengok la dulu. Harap2 iPhone ada la application tu. Kalau takde, tak kelas la... takkan memory sampai 8GB tak boleh nak baca all those documents..
iPhone - £269
Prada LG - £350-£400
Yang mana satu pilihan hati..

Beli je tiket balik Mesia.. boleh aku balik kampung! haha...

Thursday, 27 September 2007

***Jangan Baca***

Hari ni aku rasa nak marah sgt2. Sampai nak nangis.
[Memang dah nangis, pun]
Ya Allah.. Bantulah hambaMu ini. Permudahkan urusanku.
Bantulah aku terima segalanya dgn redha.
Huwargh!! tapi memang sgt tension hari ini.


-Kembalikan keyakinanku-
MESTICA Destinasi ...

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Hanya PadaMu Aku Berserah

Dan Tuhanmu berfirman : "Berdoalah kepadaKu, nescaya akan Ku perkenankan bagimu. Sesunggunya orang-orang yg menyombongkan diri dari menyembahKu akan masuk neraka Jahannam dalam keadaan hina-dina."

Al-Quran [Ghafir:60]

Sesungguhnya Allah maha mengampuni segala dosa hambaNya. Tetapi masih ada antara kita yg lupa padaNya. Ingatlah wahai diri, siapakah yg memberikan asas kehidupan kepada kita?

Udara yg segar, untuk kita bernafas...
Air yg jernih untuk kita minum...
Bukit bukau, gunung-ganang sebagai pasak bumi...

Maka fikirkanlah, wahai diri... Bagaimana layaknya Dia utk kita sembah?

La ilLaha illa anta, subhanaka inni kuntu minazzalimin...

Sunday, 9 September 2007

Allah sebaik-baik Penolong

Lepas Isya' yg agak lewat tadi aku baca beberapa potong ayat Quran. Tak banyak. Sikit je. Tapi aku tersentuh bila membacanya.

" Sesungguhnya Kami menolong rasul-rasul Kami dan orang-orang yg beriman dlm kehidupan DUNIA dan pada hari berdirinya saksi-saksi (hari KIAMAT) [51]. (iaitu) hari yg tidak berguna bagi orang-orang zalim permintaan maafnya dan bagi merekalah laknat dan bagi merekalah tempat tinggal yg buruk [52]. Dan sesungguhnya telah Kami berikan petunjuk kpd Musa; dan Kami wariskan Taurat kpd Bani Israil [53], utk menjadi petunjuk dan peringatan bagi orang-orang yg berfikir [54]. Maka bersabarlah kamu, kerana SESUNGGUHNYA JANJI ALLAH ITU BENAR dan mohonlah KEAMPUNAN bagi dosamu dan BERTASBIHLAH seraya memuji Tuhanmu pada waktu pagi dan petang [55]. "
Al -Quran [Ghafir: 51-55]

Subhanallah... Aku dapat yg kekuasaan Allah sangatlah hebat, dan Allah sangat penyayang kpd hamba-hambaNya. Dan Allahlah penolong yg terhebat utk kita semua.

Dulu aku selalu fikir yang hidup ni kena susah2. Kalau senang je, bukan hidup namanya. Tapi sebenarnya hidup kita ni, kalau kita gambarkan atau beri erti sebagai suatu perjalanan yg susah, maka seluruh kehidupan kita akan susah. Kita akan sentiasa mengeluh dalam menjalani hidup kita.

Namun, kalau kita sentiasa fikir yg semua yg berlaku ada hikmahnya, dan kita bersyukur dgn apa yg kita ada, maka seluruh kehidupan kita akan menjadi indah. Walaupun pada pandangan mata org lain ia adalah mustahil! Aku terbaca ni dalam buku The Secret. Dia bezakan antara 'inspirational work' and 'work' by itself. Dan dalam Landmark Education pula, dia sebut as BEING. Kita kena BE dulu, then DOING (work).

Selain tu, dalam buku The Secret juga, dia ada nyatakan tentang kepentingan kita bersyukur. Allah juga ada pesan yg Dia akan tambah nikmat kpd mereka yg bersyukur. Dan cara kita bersyukur selain menghargai apa yg ada ialah dgn bertasbih kpdNya. Subhanallah.. Amazing!

Okay.. sebelum aku berundur diri, I want to create my possibility for today. What I'm creating of myself and mylife today is being UNREASONABLE and UNSTOPPABLE.

Yosh! Ganbarrumassu!

Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Being GREATFULL everyday, and being THANKFULL to Allah.
That is who I am today!!

Thursday, 2 August 2007

Crazy me

Did something crazy to myself. Than asked my friend to alter it.
God, its so short!

Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Banishing bad thoughts

It is totally right! Life is much more easier if we can control our thinking. But actually, what we think is what we are and it happends automatically. Like a toaster with a voice-over.

Yeah, I guess we can control it, with practise and concious mind.

Read more at the article below...

Mind games: Banishing bad thoughts!
by Kathleen McGowan

Life would be much easier if we had perfect control over our thinking - especially where emotions are concerned. We could quickly forget about the people who make us frustrated or angry and allow disappointments to fade into the past without recriminations.

But in reality, this kind of emotional equanimity is rare. Most of us spend a lot of time thinking over unpleasant feelings and mulling over regrets and resentments. Unfortunately, many of these mental interpretations of our feelings make us feel worse about the situation. What started out as a small hurt or frustration, amplified by a thought process that focuses on pain and anger, may balloon into a major preoccupation.

Our minds often repeat painful thoughts or scenarios over and over, even when we'd much rather let them go. If you start paying attention to your interior monologue, you may find you are dwelling on the ways your parents let you down, angry at someone who has hurt you, afraid of the challenges you face in the future, or ashamed you haven't yet done the things you'd planned to in life.

You'd rather stop all of these thoughts in their tracks - but that's much easier said than done. Instead, you're left feeling as if there's something wrong with you: Why can't I just get over it? Why can't I just relax and be happy?

Generally, when you try to squelch one of these distressing trains of thought - or "just get over it" - your strenuous efforts to suppress it only make things worse. Research has shown that if we actively try to prevent anxiety-provoking or frightening thoughts, they generally become more powerful and harder to ignore. As a result, mental "fix-it" strategies generally backfire, whether that's trying to deny your unhappiness, avoiding the situations or people who make you anxious, or drinking to numb the feelings.

Accepting the negative feelings and learning to distance yourself from the thoughts that amplify them can be a much more effective coping strategy, says psychologist Stephen Hayes of the University of Nevada in Reno.

In his new book "Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life," he outlines a number of techniques from cognitive psychology that can help you resist getting lost in painful thoughts. With practise, you can learn to recognise your repetitive thoughts, and hold them at arm's length.
Here are a few of Hayes' suggestions:

• Practise noticing your thoughts. Try to be conscious of where your mind leads you, and label the type of thought you're having to yourself. For example, if you've made a mistake at work and are feeling bad about it, think to yourself: "I've noticed that I'm focused on my error right now." If you're feeling stupid about the mistake, say to yourself: "Right now, I'm criticising myself."

• If you find that one particular thought or phrase is running through your head - "I'm a loser" for example - try saying your troubling thought out loud, and either very slowly or in a funny voice. It seems silly, but by doing this, you're actively separating yourself from your mental soundtrack. You remind yourself these thoughts are being generated out of a mental habit.

• Try thinking of your mind as just another organ of your body. If you find yourself preoccupied by fears, imagine your brain is just like your hungry stomach when it rumbles or your feet when they're tired after a long day. Think: "There goes my mind again, worrying about something trivial."

• Think of your self-destructive or self-critical thoughts as internet pop-up ads. Don't criticise them or yourself for having them. Just think of them as unnecessary, meaningless noise.
All of these tactics are ways to become aware of your inner mental monologue without either getting caught up in it or trying to shut it down. Distancing yourself from your difficult thoughts can help you learn to stop turning small problems into dilemmas that seem all-consuming or hopeless.

Saturday, 28 July 2007

Modern Addiction

Wow! I got this from MSN health and well being. I'll copy and paste it one by one cuz I really loves the comment.


Life in 2007 for many of us is fast-moving, stressful and dependent on technology. Our way of life has therefore given birth to a number of modern addictions and maladies that, if allowed to spiral out of control, could lead to health problems, money worries and a whole lot of trouble.

We examine some of the modern lifestyle addictions that are increasingly affecting our wellbeing and take a look at what you can do to put a stop to your nasty habits.
  • The Internet

Is your computer on 24/7? Do you break out in a sweat if you have to go 20 minutes without checking your inbox? If so, you may be an internet addict, and you should try and curb this condition if you want to avoid being moody and agitated. Clinics are already starting to open up to treat this addiction, which can also deprive sufferers of sleep and lead to eye and back problems. Networking sites such as Facebook are only making the problem more widespread.

  • Shopping

If you lie about the price of things you have bought or debts you have accrued, or if you get a buzz out of buying things even though you probably don't need them, then there is a good chance you are addicted to shopping. But remember, retail therapy isn't a cure for anything and certainly won't make you happy - quite the opposite in fact. Time to come clean and bring your finances under control.

  • Sex

Anyone who knows their classical history or has read Marques de Sade will know that sex addiction isn't technically a modern affliction. But it is perhaps more threatening to our wellbeing than ever before and if you feel that you depend upon sex to feel normal or calm, you need to find help. The last thing you want is your problem to put you or others at risk.

  • Caffeine

A caffeine shot with breakfast, brunch, lunch, mid-afternoon and dinner will can lead to anxiety, insomnia and a dose of the shakes. We Brits love our coffee, but don't let your dependency get out of hand and try and limit yourself to one cup a day. After that, go for herbal tea instead.

  • Mobile Phones

If you can type a text faster than the speed of light, find that you are constantly on the phone or feel naked if you leave the house without your mobile, you could be suffering from 'mobile phone dependence syndrome', a term coined in China, the country with the world's largest population of mobile phone users. Symptoms include irritability if you are unable to use your phone and anger if no-one calls you for any period of time. Sufferers also show signs of stress and anxiety, and are putting themselves at risk of stress injuries such as RSI. Try and remember that, while it's good to talk, you shouldn't have to rely on your phone to feel complete, so switch off and relax. After all, what did people do before mobiles were invented?

  • Work

Pressure at work often leads to an unhealthy attachment to the office, and if you find that you work late most nights and can't get work out of your head even when you are at home, then it is time for you to restore your work/life balance. Ignoring the problem will only lead to extra stress, dwindling love life and a distinct lack of mates.

  • Binge Eating

Anorexia and bulimia have been around for yonks, but experts now think binge eating disorder is more common than both of these put together. Binge eaters will consume an astonishing quantity of food - even if they’re not hungry - and continue to overdose until uncomfortably full. Try and remember that you don't have to eat everything on your plate to feel full and, more importantly, learn to control your portion sizes.

  • Exersice

While regular exercise is vital to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, doing too much can damage your immune system and leave you feeling tired. Signs include feeling guilty if you miss a session and exercising while ill or injured. Four or five sessions a week should be your max, but listen to your body and you will know when it needs a break.

  • Salt

You may not think you are addicted to salt, but that is because many of the things we eat contain far too much of it and you might find that you start to miss it when it is taken away. Studies have shown that there is far too much salt in many of the foods we buy and that even a minor reduction in our intake would reduce deaths from heart disease significantly. Try and stick to 6g a day and use nutritional information to guide you.

  • Gambling

There are so many ways to gamble these days - online, mobile phone and the traditional bookmakers to name just three. But ask yourself this - have you ever met a poor bookie? Thought not. That's because gambling is a mugs game which leads to depression, financial ruin and utter despair if you're not careful. You cannot make yourself rich from betting, and no number of supercasinos will ever change that fact.

  • Smoking

Smoking isn't a modern phenomenon, but in this day and age it is startling to think that people still do it. The dangers to your health are endless, and with the smoking ban already in place in parts of the UK and coming to England in a matter of months, now is the time to kick the habit for good.

  • Cannabis

If you rely on a joint in the evening to get you to sleep or just to get through the day, you need to give up the weed as soon as possible. If not, you face the possibility of suffering from a serious mental health problem, not to mention the damage you are doing to your lungs, and the fact that it is illegal

Thursday, 26 July 2007

Pursuit of Happyness

Sometimes you may think "Life is unfair!".
But actually...
It is just you who don't really know what is the 'fair' part of it.
Maybe those things makes you much stronger than other people. And that makes the difference between you and other people..

Who knows???...

So the best thing is be gratefull of what you have now. And Allah will gives you MORE, insyaAllah.

"...Kita merancang, Allah merancang... Tapi perancangan Allah yg terbaik..." [Al-Quran]

Be Strong and Keep Moving Forward With A Smile! [Ganbatte!!!]

Thursday, 19 July 2007

Tazkirah Couple

Wah.. rajin pula adik2 ni hantar mesej pasal couple kebelakangan ni...
Erm.. seronok juga membacanya.

Dalam byk2 artikel yg aku dapat, tulisan yg ni menarik juga bagi aku. Macam cerpen + pengalaman sebenar penulis. Touching aa..

Moga sama2 kita baca dan ambil ikhtibar.


Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Smartest Person in the World!

When I did my simulation, at the end of the output file, there will be a quote, proverb or saying from famous people. And today, the quote makes me smile so widely.. {Hehe}

Wanna know what it is?

"Don't worry Charlie Brown...
We learn MORE from losing than we do from
Then that makes me the SMARTEST PERSON IN THE WORLD..."


Sunday, 15 July 2007


I just feel a bit down these days. I know why.. I just hanging on with it. Thats why.

Dear me,

Please give it up. Move on... There are a lot more u have to do..
Astaghfirullah a'zim..
O.. Allah, help me.


Today I'm gonna visit a friend who recently gave birth to a cute little girl. [Hehe] Can't wait!
We'll gonna shop for her present this afternoon. And now its SALE season! Hope we'll find a great present for her.


Thursday, 12 July 2007

The Ignorant and the so-called 'Terrorist'

What?? I was quite shocked with his story. The police are so unbelievable and so ignorant! [Huhu]

Thursday, 21 June 2007

Nothing Doesn't Exist!

Last night was fun, subhanallah..
We went to a Portugese restaurant and eat to our fullest! The food there was great! Alhamdulillah..

Ok, but thats not what I wanna talk bout.

This morning after logging out my yahoo email, I found this really motivating news. Bout microsculpture. As tiny as a grain of sand. MasyaAllah...
Wanna see the video? Here...

His name is Willard Wigan.

I'm so amazed by his passion about making this tiny sculpture. And its actually worth $300,000. So tiny, but so expensive! He also mentioned that because the sculpture was so micro, there was a time that he even inhaled his work and have to redo it again. Huhu..

What make me think is don't judge a person on his academic capibility. He said he was onced looked down by his teachers cuz he cant read and write. And he feels that he want to find something he can express himself. So, this proves, that it doesnt matter who you are, you have the hiddent talent in you. Its just a matter of finding what is it.

And one phrase that I'm just so moved by this short interview is when he says that:

"Nothing doesn't exist..."

You are worth something. And only you can define that by BEING what you wanna BE!

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

12 Steps to Total Relaxation

Aku sgt malas these days. So xde idea nak tulis apa2. Just something for me to remember...

Takde apa sangat.. Tapi ni rumusan dari apa yg dia berikan. Dan aku bagi sikit komen yg tak seberapa. [hehe]:

  1. Have regular massages

  2. Turn off your mobile phone

  3. Listen to classical music - Quran pun boleh aa kot. hehe...

  4. Read a good book - Yer betul2.. otak juga perlukan makanan

  5. Take up Yoga

  6. Have a cuppa

  7. Start eating right - makan sihat

  8. Start working out - Betul!! kena keluar peluh selalu

  9. Take a breath

  10. Go box - Boxing??

  11. Find nature - I like this!!

  12. Get a pet - or a plant. And talk to them